Teaching and Learning
Our approach is very much child-centred. Our aim is to enable children to develop as independent thinkers and learners, who are valued for what they contribute as individuals and so promoting a good self-image. The range of experiences we provide are all linked into themes relevant to the children and in which they can be actively involved.
Learning is very carefully planned in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, to include all seven areas of learning, structured to address individual learning needs.
Our curriculum provides opportunities for learning at every moment of the day. Our curriculum aims to lay a secure foundation for future learning. All staff work hard as a team to create a positive, caring and welcoming atmosphere where the children feel secure, yet are challenged to achieve their best.
The broad and balanced curriculum design ensures that the needs of individual children including EAL, SEND and disadvantaged, and small groups of children can be met within the environment of high quality teaching supported by targeted interventions where appropriate.
We provide our children with knowledge, skills and experiences in a hands on, holistic way so that all learning is embedded in a meaningful context. We do this through a personalised, flexible curriculum that engages and motivates our children.
We provide for and support every child. We embrace each child as an individual and all staff understand that each child is unique, as are their learning requirements. Our curriculum and provision demonstrate the understanding that all children develop at their own pace. Our methods to develop the children’s skills and knowledge are through the implementation of a wide range of experiences, all set within a stimulating, thought provoking and challenging environment. These experiences are led and guided by our qualified teachers and skilled practitioners. We provide opportunities and learning experiences across a wealth of subjects, ensuring British fundamental values and cultural capital is at the heart of our learning.
Our nursery considers the all-round development of children. Our children are immersed in lots of practical, first-hand learning experiences through which they are encouraged to explore, experiment and develop their language. The children use both the indoor and outdoor environment during adult focus and child initiated activities. We have a particular love for outdoor learning and each day we go outdoors to learn in our outdoor environment. We offer enhanced outdoor experiences such as ‘Forest Fun’. Additionally, throughout the year we have ‘Our Enrichment Activities’ which involve a wide range of trips, outings and visits and visitors to enhance the children’s learning.